value in answer is transformed into chars
(and appended to the string).FileWriter
Here is a list of some of the constructors and methods
used with FileWriter
All of the methods are inherited from its ancestors.
For a complete list of methods refer to the
Java documentation
on your disk (if you downloaded it)
or on the Web.
FileWriter(String fileName) An IOException is thrown if the file cannot be created. FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append) An IOException is thrown if the file cannot be opened for appending.
public void close() throws IOException Flush the stream and close the file. public void flush() throws IOException Flush the stream. public void write(String str) throws IOException Write a string.
Data might not go immediately to the disk
after a write()
The flush()
method ensures that data previously
written is sent to the disk.
Could the user of a program enter a name for the file about to be created?